Posted by saeedd050 | 5:45 AM | | 0 comments »

Kashmir dispute is main reason of tension between India and Pakistan. It has badly affected trade and economic development of South Asia, over decades this crucial issue is waiting for a peaceful solution .During this period large number of conferences and seminars were held in which many solutions and suggestions were presented for its peaceful solution, but these valuable suggestions were limited up to files and not more than a memorial document of seminars and conferences. On the other hand Kashmir issue needs some practical steps through meaningful dialogue between India and Pakistan, which was not seen in preceding years. This selfish attitude from world community badly affected issue of Kashmir and continuously creating tension between these two countries and if this issue not solved according to the wishes of Kashmiri people who have sacrificed more than one hundred thousand lives for obtaining their real birth right of freedom, then there will always remain a constant danger of nuclear war, which will prove to a be a  cause of mass destruction for whole the region. The world community should realize crucial position of this issue and must take speedy and fruitful action for peaceful solution of the issue.

From last sixty years, it has been seen that whole the nation shows solidarity on Feb 05 by making of, Human Chain and expresses solid support for the people of Kashmir. Their unique expression of solidarity also shows that Kashmir and Pakistan are one and like one body and soul when ever any part of body feels pain the whole body feels its pain as a whole.
No doubt Pakistani nation never left people of Kashmir alone in their freedom struggle and shall always continue political support to Kashmiri nation. people of Kashmir cannot forget this love and care. However  in last years  it has been observed  that India and Pakistan started cross border trade and friendship bus service  for mutual confidence and mental coordination, but it is also a fact that the issue of Kashmir cannot  be put on back burner because with out solving this crucial issue success seems impossible in trade or in any other activity.

It is very sad that the agony of Kashmiris is not seen by the world who advocates everywhere for combating terrorism.  The world watches that Indian forces exercise worst over terror in occupied Kashmir. Killing countless Kashmiris every day in valley, burning houses, and raping women. People of Kashmir ask the world’s contractors of peace; why they have closed their eyes on Indian terrorism in occupied Kashmir? Why they do not call any emergency meeting on violation of international human rights in Kashmir? Despite all this, freedom movement shall continue till last human being alive there. This is only message on solidarity day for nation.

Indian Festival of Colours - Holi

Posted by saeedd050 | 5:37 AM | | 0 comments »

The Indian festival of colours, Holi is one of the most joyous occassions for the Hindu community.

 Like most other Indian festivals, Holi also has its origin in ancient Indian mythology and is inseparably associated to the legends of Lord Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and Prahlad - son of the demon king Hiranyakashipu. Know all about the history of the colourful Holi festival. If you like reading our article on the history of Holi,

The day of Jesus

Posted by saeedd050 | 5:29 AM | | 0 comments »

Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ. The origins of Easter date to the beginnings of Christianity. The word Easter derived from the name Eostre.

 Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ. For Christians, the dawn of Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the high point of the Christian year.

The origin of Easter dates to the beginning of Christianity, and it is probably the oldest Christian observance after the Sabbath (observed on Saturday). Later, the Sabbath subsequently came to be regarded as the weekly celebration of the Resurrection. The word Easter is derived from the name Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, to whom the month of April was dedicated. The festival of Eostre was celebrated at the vernal equinox, when the day and night gets an equal share of the day.

It was in during this Passover in 30 AD, Christ was crucified under the order of the Roman governor Pontius Pilate as the then Jewish high priests accused Jesus of "blasphemy". The resurrection came three days later, on the Easter Sunday. By the 4th century, Good Friday came to be observed as a separate occasion and the Pascha Sunday had been devoted exclusively to the honor of the glorious resurrection.

The dating of Easter today follows the same. Accordingly, churches in the West observe it on the first day of the full moon that occurs on or following the spring equinox on March 21, it became a movable feast between March 21 and April 25.

The Day Of Pakistan 14 August,1947.

Posted by saeedd050 | 5:34 AM | | 0 comments »

The Day Of Pakistan 14 August,1947: The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act on July 18, 1947. The Act created two dominions, Indian Union and Pakistan. It also provided for the complete end of British control over Indian affairs from August 15, 1947. The Muslims of the Sub-continent had finally achieved their goal to have an independent state for themselves, but only after a long and relentless struggle under the single-minded guidance of the Quaid.

The Muslims faced a gamut of problems immediately after independence. However, keeping true to their traditions, they overcame them after a while. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was appointed the first Governor General of Pakistan and Liaquat Ali Khan became its first Prime Minister. Pakistan became a dominion within the British Commonwealth of Nations

Qarardad-e-Lahore 23March,1940.

Posted by saeedd050 | 2:31 PM | | 0 comments »

The Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Lahore), commonly known as the Pakistan Resolution (Qarardad-e-Pakistan), was a formal political statement adopted by the Muslim League at the occasion of its three-day general session on 22–24 March 1940 that called for greater Muslim autonomy in British India. This has been largely interpreted as a demand for a separate Muslim state, Pakistan. The resolution was presented by A. K. Fazlul Huq. Although the name "Pakistan" had been proposed by Choudhary Rahmat Ali in his Pakistan Declaration in 1933, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other leaders had kept firm their belief in Hindu-Muslim unity. However, the volatile political climate and religious hostilities gave the idea stronger backing.

As our dear country celebrates its Resolution Day, a day when in Lahore, a resolution was passed for creation of a separate sovereign homeland for the Muslims of Indian Subcontinent, let’s promise that despite all odds, together we will never stop believing in Pakistan and its bright, prosperous future.
Pakistan Resolution Day

Wishing each and every Pakistani living anywhere in the world, a very patriotic Pakistan Resolution Day – Pakistan Zindabad!!